30 January 2012

Hoist By My Own Petard

   Here at The Political Wilderness, snarkily unto myself, I have been spending the Summer skirting around the edges of and skating away from the heat one normally associates with the season. It has been temperate and mild in my neck of the Temperate Rainforest.  A bit of misty rain here, a bit of heavy rain there, and a heap o' mild temperatures to indulge in.

   Well, didn't all that change in a hurry today.

  I can't even complain that it was THAT hot. A 'mere' 32 degrees at it's top. However it was one of those Sydney summer days, full of the humidity created by the previous days rain. And no breeze.  And nowhere that I could escape to outside the house due to the swarm of mosquitoes that this weather engenders. Not that I had time to because today was also Day 1 of School/Technical College for my 2 boys. So it was up at sparrow's and into the organised chaos at the beginning of the day, which passes in our house for a simulacrum of organisation in order to get to school on time. Then it was drive 20km to School/TAFE, only to find out that TAFE doesn't begin until next week. So then it was, drive 20km back home, get changed back into school uniform for #2 son & then back in the car for another 8km journey back to school, as he's doing a split School/TAFE Year 11, and when he's not at TAFE, he has to be at school. Sigh. Then, back home again for breakfast for myself. Which was followed by another trip back to school later in the afternoon to pick him up because I read the wrong bus time out to him from the timetable, for him to travel home on. I having read the Saturday timetable, instead of the Monday to Friday one, and, as a result, he would have had to wait another hour in the heat for the next bus. And I felt guilty. So...So I combined it with a trip to the shops to get bread and honey. As without creamed honey specifically to put on his muffin for breakfast, #1 son goes into a funk for the day.  So...you make the effort to keep them happy.

   Even though it was so damn hot in my car with the broken aircon!

  Which, as I say, will only teach me some sort of cosmic karmic lesson about not being so internally smug about having eluded the full force of summer, while my fellow Australians suffered manfully and womanly through heatwaves.

   Suffice to say, I won't be able to say much about the politics of today. Except to make 2 observations:

  1. The Tony Abbott-led Coalition Opposition is 'All Politics, No Policy'.
  2.  'Lobbygate' is all beat-up, no cover-up.
  Finally, I would just like to add that I have been playing with the design of my blog, in case you may have thought you had come to the wrong destination all of a sudden. As I said, it's a work-in-progress. Though, even when I decide on a format I am happy with, knowing me, I'll just change it all again when I get bored with it, or some enticing new designs come along to use.

Also, I'm still teaching myself how to use other functionalities associated with this blog template.

At least I'm having fun now though. And I will get busy with some more serious and thoughtful work soon.

    When it cools down I think. :)


  1. HillbillySkeleton

    I love the new background! I would enjoy throwing some light at that.

    I'll wait until you have settled into something like a routine or consistent format before offering any serious comment. I look forward to your work-in-progress progressing.

    1. NormanK,
      If a man of your refined and superior taste likes my new background, then I might just have to keep it. :)
      And yes, I'm still trying to get my head around it all and should have more time to myself next week once the chillun settle into their new routines.
      Btw, what about Abbott's Howardesque 'Headland' speech today? The man hasn't got an original thought in his tiny mind!
      More on that later.
      And thank you for your continued interest in me and my little sanity saver blog. :)

  2. HillbillySkeleton,
    I imagine I will be here for as long as you care to put energy into the site. A successful blog needs at least a few loyal supporters.
    Probably a bit naughty but feel free to contact me directly if you feel that I can be of assistance.

  3. NormanK,
    Thank you for your kind and generous offer. When I figure out something of substance and sensibility to ask of you then I will!
    Sigh. I wonder sometimes if I have bitten off more than I can chew(the story of my life). Especially on days like today when I have so much to say but no time, until now, in which to say it(I prioritised housework,paperwork & cooking today). Though I did say that I wouldn't be as regular as clockwork with my contributions to the blog for the above-mentioned reasons.
    So, thank you again for continuing to watch this space. :)

  4. What a great asset the ALP has in Clive Palmer. The only thing worse than a fool who believes he is clever is an obscenely rich fool who believes he is clever.
    I just caught a few seconds of him on Lateline, boasting that as a percentage of his overall income, the $300,000 that he donated to the Liberal Party last year is small potatoes. I hope he is inundated with requests from every charity known to man. I'm sure they would each be willing to accept $150,000.
    The more we see of him during the Queensland election campaign the happier I will be - he is a walking advertisement for all that is wrong in the corporate world today, especially the mining sector.

  5. NormanK,
    Why don't the LNP just do the right thing, and the 'honest,open & transparent' thing and change their name to 'The Clive Palmer Party'?
    I avoided Lateline but couldn't help having the whole lot shoved down my throat this morning at breakfast when News Radio replayed the interview. Sheesh! I turned to the ABC on the radio to escape the rabid Right Wing commercial radio. Now it has simply become a home away from home for Young Liberals and the Liberal Party Glee Club.
    I will be, when I get the time, putting up my analysis of Abbott's 'interview' *cough* with Lisa Wilkinson on the Channel 9 Today Show later on today. I don't know why I bother doing what the MSM itself should be doing, but I will hold my nose and sally forth into the muck anyway. :)
    Btw, has anyone mentioned my new blog on TPS yet? I literally haven't had time to go back and visit there.

  6. HillbillySkeleton

    Your blog has had several mentions, both inside links and outside. You also missed some birthday wishes methinks.
